Ginger McLendon
Augusta, GA

“How do I get through this?”
That was the question I asked myself at 27 years of age, desperately trying to heal from a slow-leak appendicitis that caused my internal organs to become septic and a 2 week stay in the hospital followed by years of systemic illness issues. That was in 1999, and after spending 7 years in the R&D Military complex, and Craniofacial/maxillofacial surgical arenas as my job, I was well versed about how to create and fix something . . . except myself.
I could not get well for years until I started learning about frequency and how light energy (aka Photobiomodulation) can heal at the cellular level. However, in the early 2000s, Photobiomodulation was not assessable and definitely not affordable. I utilized Rife frequency treatments successfully to heal many of my gut issues, but not everything came back online after the appendicitis episode. Fast-forward to a career change into wine imports representing some of the finest vineyards in the world or, in other words, “I now live out of a suitcase for my work”– my body was limping along. I simply learned to manage it.
Then SARS Cov 2 entered the stage. My life truly changed. I was very ill. So sick. I just could not get over the symptoms with my preexisting conditions until I found Bales Photonic Clinic Pro Firefly – or low-level laser light therapy coupled with pathogen removal. This is probably TMI: but I could not go “No. 2” in the solid state after my 6 weeks of Covid 19 in the fall of 2021, that is, until I had my first Firefly treatment on my gut – and four hours later, I went No. 2 normal for the first time in 5 months! I celebrated (and you would’ve too!) I used it on my Parkinson’s (diagnosed in 2014) mother, who lost the ability to walk after her round of Covid 19; the next day, she walked 67 feet! We were healing! And not just from the aftermath of Covid 19 but from long-term illnesses. I could not keep this to myself. After lots of prayer and some friends in Waco, Texas, offering me a room in their wellness center, beytOMR was born. I started successfully treating people with the Firefly that suffered from injuries caused by post-Covid 19, anxiety issues, and slowing stemming brought on by autism; coupled with the pathogen removal, people started to get better. The name means so much to me, as does healing from what this world can complicate in our bodies.
My goal with beytOMR and Photobiomodulation, plus some health coaching, is to literally change your life.